— Guided Transformation Manifestation —
Your Opportunity to “THINK AND TRANSFORM”
How You Can Begin To Transform Your Financial Life Forever
The Effortless Financial Achievement Process To Help You Begin to Discover the Power Within
The “Effortless Achievement” revolution. How 60 minutes, and radically accelerate the achievement of your financial life
Sit, Relax And Discover Who You Can Become. This is Your 60-Minute Guided Journey To Manifest…. Financial Freedom And Peace Of Mind
Your Journey To Financial Freedom And Peace Of Mind Begins Now
- Are you living on Pain Island?
- Do you want to continue living the life you are currently living?
- Are you happy living paycheck to paycheck?
- Is just ‘getting by’ financially how you want to live your life?
- Will your financial plan give you the freedom to live the life you deserve?
- Is money a cause of stress in your life?
- Do you want financial freedom and peace of mind?
- Do you really believe in transformation?
- Are you using money to dull your pain, or fulfill your purpose?
John will personally guide you through this 60 minute mindful exercise, and together you will tap into your subconscious and create an atmosphere of financial awareness, realization, and transformation

Start your journey now to financial freedom and peace of mind today and get instant access to this EXCLUSIVE 60-minute guided transformation manifestation audio from John MacGregor

Have you ever wondered why you set financial goals and don’t achieve them?
If you’re like most people, you’re dealing with financial stress everyday. In all my years of counseling people, I can honestly say it’s not your fault. You have been programmed to fail financially.
The school system failed you, the financial industry is not helping you and social media and other media outlets are forcing you like hypnosis to do things that are financially destructive. You are literally stuck.
And this problem is literally killing you because this problem is a matter of life or death. I really mean that.
Let me explain, the research is clear, people’s money problems are THE #1 cause of stress in society, and chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.
Most people don’t realize this, but more than 75 percent of all physician office are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
And that's not all...
Stress can affect your brain, cause blood sugar imbalances, decrease muscle tissue, raise blood pressure, reduce your immunity, push people into overeating and increase fat deposits around your abdomen, you see there’s an increased risk of substance abuse, elevated levels of irritably, nervousness, migraines, lack of sleep, stomach ulcers, back pain, lack of motivation, fatigue, overwhelmed, and depression. I could just keep going.
So if stress is the leading cause of our most deadly diseases and people’s financial problems are the leading cause of stress, you would then surmise, that financial problems in our society are a leading cause of our most serious health issues. – and most people don’t even know it’s happening.
They call stress the “The Silent Killer” because it it – and based on all the research, money is the source of it. Do you see the connection and why I say this is a life or death issue?
All of this because people have been programmed to fail with their money – and the resources available do not work. This is the missing piece. This is what the financial industry and others have been missing all along.

And here’s the bigger problem - stress around money is unique in that it is a prolonged stress that rarely ceases to end. It just continues day in and day out. This is different from normal stress we deal with like, driving in traffic, taking an exam, giving a presentation, a job interview or that first date. Money stress has an endless prolonging effect that wears on your mind and body continuously.
Because of this prolonging effect, people are at an increased risk of a heart attack, stroke, and panic attacks and can increase the risk of depression, obesity, and risk of suicide?
Let’s not forget financial stress is the top reason people get divorced and relationships fall apart today.
And what does that lead to? That usually means more stress.
And the reality is this isn’t going to stop on its own.
And it’s not going to stop with the traditional methods and resources available today. Proof is in the numbers, and numbers show that people are getting worse.

An amazing journey.
This was an amazing journey for me. I've never dug that deep into my future in terms of where I'm headed now versus where I could be headed in the future. This was a tremendous awakening for me that I will be doing on a regular basis. I could not recommend this highly enough"
- Brian B.Honolulu, HI

Simply WOW!
One of the most powerful experiences I've ever gone through, not only for my financial life, but my life in general. Until now, I've never taken the time to visualize my life based on current financial habits and behaviors compared to my future possibilities. This is a must for anyone who is dealing with financial stress, anxiety, and concern about their future. I'll be doing this my kids!
- Kristi C. El Dorado Hills, CA
In fact everyone has the exact same problem you do when it comes to money.
Most people today have an unhealthy relationship with money – and they are using their money to dull their pain rather than fulfill their purpose.

My goal from my early years of adulthood was to become financially free by the time I reached 40 years old. I achieved that goal at the age of 37, three years ahead of schedule. Now I want to share with the you how I did it, and how you can do the same. This has nothing to do you’re your education or little you know about personal finance. This is not a secret investment strategy or financial product. This has everything to do with your mindset.
And when you change your brain, you can transform your financial life forever. I am living proof.
78% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. Just a few years ago, that number was 73%. That means 78% of people in society, all over the world, are dealing with serious financial stress – that is wreaking havoc on all aspects of their lives.
Despite all the free information, the books, DVD’s, Podcasts, YouTube videos providing you step by step instructions on what you should and should not do with your money – the problem is getting worse.
You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on the law of attraction, goal setting, and “manifestation”... You could spend HOURS listening to podcasts and audio books with all the big guru’s, and actually go out and TRY all these different approaches like I have.
Listen to this Simple 60-Minute Audio, that condenses down everything I’ve learned about aligned achievement into a quick and simple 5-Step exercise.
No fluff and no B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to embrace your true power and potential and go from where you are now to where you want to be.
Hi, I'm John MacGregor
Why get access to this 60-minute audio? Because information does not cause transformation.
Let me restate that, information does not cause transformation. Letā€™s face it, if information was all we needed to change our life, our behaviors, our destructive habits, weā€™d all be rich, happy and skinny.
It takes way more than information to effect meaningful, lasting and effective change. When I realized that so much of my work was not getting to core of why so many people are suffering, thatā€™s when I set out to uncover the truth about why so many millions of people are not financially set in life, why so many millions of people are not at peace financially, and why the statistics of people who were suffering were only getting worse. What I discovered changed everything.

What I discovered led to a revolution in financial guidance, health, and help.
And this new revelation is rooted in neurological science!
It’s not just an opinion. It’s science
I found out the reason so many of us struggle financially - even wealthy people with great jobs- is about something deeper than just a lack of financial education, literacy, or certainly information. It’s rooted much deeper than that.
When I discovered this, everything I had been doing for 25 years of my life suddenly shifted. It all changed. And I was once again filled with hope. I want to share that hope, that revelation with people so they can once and for all say ‘enough is enough.’ Because, honestly, everyone deserves to live in true, lasting financial peace.
That’s what this is all about....
A revolutionary solution to people’s
financial freedom and peace of mind.
And that’s what this guided program is all about.

This is your first step to Begin To Transform Your Financial Life Forever
Any success you desire in your life starts in the mind and this is no different when it comes to your financial life. And that’s the missing piece. Changes to your circumstances are in direct proportion to changes to your mental state of mind or being.
Based on what we’ve learned, I’m going to tell you why there is simply no other way to achieve true, lasting financial peace without incorporating a process that taps into your brain and makes changes at the core of your mental programming,